整部剧都在告诉我们:"Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle you know nothing about. Be Kind. Always."
最后, James到处去找阿丽莎,而不是乖乖等着她回来,太戳我了。这种被重视,重视到想要马上把你找到的感觉,ⅩXXSEXHDVIDEOS这种被需要的感觉,比什么都强。第四集,James 倒车好帅啊。
“I think about you all the time. I think about what you’re wearing, what you’re doing and who you’re doing it with. I think about what friends you have. I think about what you eat before you work, and what shampoo you use and what happened in your family. I think about your eyes and your mouth and what you feel when you kill someone. I think about what you have breakfast. I want to know everything.”